
pc:tumblr I sit and stare into a blank canvas of a sky thinking, there must be something above all this.  Why? Why are we here? Why a...

I sit and stare into a blank canvas of a sky thinking, there must be something above all this. 
Why? Why are we here? Why am I living this life? Why is it so hard to just live?

I get to college, passing by unfamiliar faces trying to come up with a convincing explanation that I'm here for something better.
When? When did I end up here? When did I decide this path? When did this happen? To me.

I sit down in the cafeteria of this college, surrounded by hundreds of other lives that I wander over. The whole room filled with hundreds of loud noises leaving into the atmosphere.
How? How can you be content with your life now? How did everything measure up to this moment? How did everything start being so perplexed? Suffocated with noise, I just wanted to breathe.

I get home, the same amount of noise is present in a small living room. Four different man-made devices were playing. One person controlling it all. 
Again, I ask how? How can you concentrate? How can you believe that this is all there is to living? How is it OKAY? 

I sit in my room, distracted by even the slightest quiver of a branch? There must be someone above all this.
Who? Who are we? Who made this world? Who placed me here? Please make it stop. 

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0 Darth Voiders

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